Embedded Worksheet Tabs in Snowsight

Published on August 7, 2023

Embedded Worksheet Tabs in Snowsight

Published on August 7, 2023 | 1 mins read

In case you missed it, Snowflake’s recent releases have been bountiful. In this post, we will share one of our favorite releases from the highlight reel: new features for the Snowsight User Interface. As a Snowflake Elite Services Partner and Snowflake Data Consultant, we keep an eye on new releases and are happy to share their benefits.

If you’ve used Snowflake’s Snowsight User Interface recently, you may have noticed the option to work in multiple tabs in the same browser window. That is because Snowflake recently announced the preview release of this capability. This new feature enables users to use a Snowsight worksheets window like we’re used to working with browser windows. Here’s an example where you can see three open tabs — all open in the same browser tab!

Now you can keep your Snowflake worksheets in one browser tab, freeing up your browser tabs for all your other commonly used websites.

The April and May 2023 releases of Snowflake included many new features, making it a more robust and versatile platform for data warehousing and analytics. The worksheet tabs are an exciting feature as the embedded tabs improve the user experience, enabling users to open multiple active worksheets in one browser window as they explore and query their data.

These new features make Snowflake a more robust and versatile data warehousing and analytics platform. If you’d like to learn more about what Snowflake offers, reach out at hello@das42.com, and we’d be happy to help!

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