Case Study: eCommerce & Retail

Building a reliable data ecosystem for ecommerce growth

Published on May 24, 2023

Building a reliable data ecosystem for ecommerce growth

Published on May 24, 2023 | 1 mins read

Bringing the perfect product to market at the perfect time is every company’s goal, but sudden success can create challenges. Companies need to pull together the right data tools and build the right techstack so they can scale for growth and stay on top.

The challenge

A company created to sell an innovative new consumer product succeeded beyond all expectations. In just a few years, its sales reached more than 100 million units worldwide. But with its success came some difficulty in collecting and analyzing the data it needed to effectively plan its strategy. In particular, it became a challenge to create an ecosystem where people could come in and ask data-related questions and get accurate answers that would give them the confidence to come back to that data.

The solution

The company came to us to understand what new data tools would best support the company’s growth. They were already adopting Looker to support a centralized data model that could be queried in a number of different ways by employees in any department

We recommended they also use Snowflake’s data cloud, and Fivetran to create an automated data pipeline that easily replicates business data into cloud warehouses. Both solutions are interoperable with Looker, creating a fully integrated solution.

Snowflake offered simplicity and flexibility, as well as time and cost savings. Employees no longer had to go to multiple places to find what they need; they had a central repository where they could access the data and get insights.

Like Snowflake, Fivetran offered a number of features that made data access fast and easy, and implementing it was quick and painless.

How did it turn out?

Our client no longer has to spend time and money putting together multiple spreadsheets and trying to get them to talk to each other. Their new data analytics tools offload tasks that traditionally required full-time employees, but they still get full, real-time support from their technology partners at Snowflake, Looker, and Fivetran.

Most important, the client now has a well-defined, documented ecosystem for employees to get answers to their questions on their own. This data culture helps them truly run the business “by the numbers.”


Services provided

Data Platform Modernization & Migration icon

Data Platform Modernization & Migration

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Data & Cloud Analytics Strategy icon

Data & Cloud Analytics

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Self-Service Business Intelligence icon

Data Governance

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